At Format Conversion our PDF to Word conversion service helps you to convert your PDF documents to Word files (and vice-versa). We can extract your data, tables, images and even set up the page for printing. We can modify your documents according to the comments on your PDF files or according to your instructions.

Documents created in MS Word are used widely in offices, homes and other institutions but customers today are asking for a format that represents the “printed page” and can be viewed on multiple platforms, even if a person does not have Microsoft Office. PDF format has been broadly recognized as an acceptable way to share information when the author does not want that information easily modified or when there is no longer a need to edit that information. PDF format provides the ability to view on multiple platforms and provide a casual level of document security.

PDF or Portable Document Format is an open file format created and controlled by Adobe Systems and is ideal for representing two-dimensional documents in a device-independent and resolution independent fixed-layout document format. However, PDF format is criticized for not actually being a “portable format”. We can turn the PDF files to editable Word files without affecting the data they contain thanks to our experienced experts. The converted file is easily editable and can be viewed on any platform using MS Office.

At Format Conversion we can transform your PDF file to Word File and your Word file to Excel, or we can convert your PDF file to Excel file and then to Word, depending on your data usage. Our proprietary conversion process enables us to provide you with error-free results.

You can send us your word files via FTP, fax or e-mail; we will process them and have them sent back to you overnight or as soon as you need them without any extra charges.